
0.0.70 — Guest Subscription, See Rating, Emails & Subscribers in Admin & Bug Fixes

By November 13, 2018 No Comments

Available since 13.11.2018.

This update was focused on guest subscription, added a few helper pages in admin to see list of ratings, emails in the queue and subscribers. Of course, we have bug fixes and small changes as well.


  • Added ability to see list of ratings in “Rating” submenu
  • Added ability to see list of subscribers in “Subscribers” submenu
  • Added ability to see list of emails in “Emails” submenu
  • Completely rewritten code towards PSR-4
  • Added transliteration for username, now instead of having {socialname}_{username}, it would be prettier, e.g. john_doe. Current usernames would be converted accordingly
  • Added “All In One WP Security” to the list of possible problems as it may cause failure to load comments
  • Subscription form: Better visual design for subscription form
  • Subscription form: guest users can now subscribe but need to confirm it by provided email
  • Subscription form: users can unsubscribe anytime by following the link provided in the bottom of the email
  • Subscription form: added email template for confirmation email
  • Plugin is now following PSR-4 and most of the plugin comply with WordPress Coding Standards


  • Fixed issue when on mobile devices attachments icon was too small to click on
  • Fixed issue when it was not possible to load or add comments for custom post types
  • Fixed issue when email notifications were not send when reply option was disabled
  • Fixed issue when some hooks related to rest in functions.php were causing incorrect notification in console
  • Fixed issue when it was not possible to turn off some of the default options in admin
  • Fixed a few typos in translations